TPM Solvent (Tripropylene Glycol Methyl Ether)

We supply Sta-Sol® TPM, Tripropylene Glycol Methyl Ether (CAS 25498-49-1), a safe and effective specialty solvent used in a wide range of cleaning and formulating applications.

About Sta-Sol® TPM Solvent

Flexible solvent | Low Toxicity | Low Vapor Pressure

Tripropylene Glycol (Mono) Methyl Ether (TPM solvent) is used in many coating and cleaning applications as a low vapor pressure, low toxicity and water-soluble solvent solution.

TPM is widely used as a cleaner and stripper in enclosed settings, as well as in agricultural, electronic, ink, textile, and adhesive products.

TPM Solvent Details

Environmental, Health and Safety

TPM Solvent (and all propylene glycol ethers) are not included under the category “gylcol ethers” as defined in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

Glycol Ether TPM is not subject to reporting requirements under CERCLA, or those established under SARA Title 111 and Section 313.

Because of its low vapor pressure (<0.1 @25ºC (mm Hg)) and higher boiling point, tripropylene glycol methyl ether may be considered exempt as an LVP-VOC from applicable consumer products air quality regulations.

The Household and Consumer Products Association (HCPA) also identifies TPM (CAS 25498-49-1) as an LVP-VOC.


Combined with its low degree of toxicity, low vapor pressure and exclusion from regulatory requirements, TPM can be an excellent solvent choice for many cleaning and coating applications.

Additionally, Glycol Ether TPM can work well in both polar and non-polar soil removal applications.

Since it is water-miscible and compatible with several non-polar ingredients, TPM will also blend with other co-solvents in formulated solutions where varying degrees of solvency and surface performance are desired.


TPM delivers an effective balance of slow evaporation and solvency in many applications, including:

  • non-flammable resin cleaning alternative in additive manufacturing post-processing
  • floor cleaners and floor stripping formulations
  • removal of urethane foam resins in packaging applications
  • co-solvent component in hard surface cleaning formulations
  • adhesive removal and ink removal
  • electronic and agricultural applications

Featured Application: SLA Resin Cleaning in 3D Printing

A widely recognized use of TPM solvent is to clean stereolithography (SLA) resins from printed parts during 3D print post-processing.

Our extensive list of 3D printing customers use TPM to clean the excess resin from parts prior to UV curing. This is often done using a solvent immersion bath.

As we’ve learned from several of our engineering and prototyping customers, TPM solvent provides a safer, non-flammable (as opposed to IPA), low VOC, and highly effective option for cleaning and removing SLA resins during post-processing.

Order TPM

Sta-Sol TPM is available in 5-gallon pails, 55-gallon drums, and 275-gallon totes.

Pricing for 5 gal pails, 40 lbs net weight per pail, is $400.00 plus shipping. Drums and totes are priced per pound.

Please contact us via this form for 5 gallon pail orders.

For current drum or tote pricing, call 401-785-9300 x115.

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You can order TPM by clicking here.

Read on for additional details and solvent information.

Sta-Sol TPM Safety Data Sheet (SDS)